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Join the community!

Enjoy the benefits, opportunities and networks

Last modified 19.09.2024 at 15:44
Terveysteknologia ry tiimi 2024

Join a member, as a member you are connected with other companies within the same field of technology. Our association has good contacts with the other associations covering the whole Finland and Europe.

We have good level of communication with the local authorities and notified bodies. With the membership, you will receive our membership letter weekly with the current news, opportunities, events and training from the industry. As a member you can share your companies highlights in our web pages and in the member letter.

At the core of the work, we do are the working groups where all the staff from the member companies are welcome. Working groups are held in the hybrid mode. There are three regulatory working groups (medical devices, software and data and in vitro -diagnostics) and new working group for developing corporate responsibility.

Usually, we have notified body’s and authorities representative participating in the working groups. We invite specialists to share their knowledge of the topic in discussion.

It is commonly known that there will be good conversation between the participants in the meetings. We follow the current laws in the working group meetings, especially competition law is highlighted in all of our meetings.

Member fee is based on healthtechnology turnover of the company: