Tekijä: Päivi Ahlgren 3.12.2024 | Terveysteknologia ry:n syyskokous ja -seminaari Regulatory divergence presents barriers to EU combined studies 4.2.2025 | Healthtech Finland and Tehnopol Healthtech joint event on AI and MDR 22.10.2024 | IVD-työryhmä The next European Health Commissioner has urgent deficiencies to tackle in the EU’s regulatory system for medical technologies Strategic Relevance of the Medical Technology Sector for Health, Sustainable Prosperity and Competitiveness 29.11.2024 | PRRC-verkostoitumistilaisuus 8.-10.4.2025 | DMEA 25 11.-14.11.2024 | MEDICA 27.–30.01.2025 | Arab Health 2025 1 2 3 … 44
The next European Health Commissioner has urgent deficiencies to tackle in the EU’s regulatory system for medical technologies
Strategic Relevance of the Medical Technology Sector for Health, Sustainable Prosperity and Competitiveness