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Muu alaan vaikuttava sääntely

Euroopan alueella sääntelyä on lisätty teknologian kehittymisen myötä.

Päivitetty 03.10.2024 klo 11:18
Euroopan lippu

Digital Tools to Explain the AI Act, Data Act and EHDS Regulation Released by a Finnish-Danish Joint Action by the End of 2024

Public and private parties in Finland and Denmark have come together in a joint action to produce a catalogue of e-tools to explain and educate the industry on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, Data Act and the European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation. The target of these parties, by the lead and funding of The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, is to enable informed decisions by the innovators and deployers of digital solutions regarding the new acts. This joint action also aims to collect evidence of the effect of these e-tools by surveys from the organizations involved. The e-tools are provided by Lean Entries through their regtech platform Entries, in English, and are scheduled for launch by the end of 2024. They are released for free use by all Finnish industrial sectors and the Danish health tech sector, from students and researchers to startups and corporations, throughout 2025

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